
Finding Truth in Life's Journey: From Childhood Curiosity to Personal Growth

Beyond the Textbooks: Discovering Truth Through Experience

Individuals’ lived experiences hold the most authentic truth, not textbooks or sermons. Kids, by their play and question-asking, are the ultimate philosophical beings who have not been trained out of the habit of asking the questions “why.” and “how?” They are being introduced to the realities of the world without any biases or judgment from society.

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Expressive Aphasia -“Got a Lot on Your Mind, But Can’t Get the Words Out?”

“Having a Lot to Say, But Struggling to Find the Words“ The experience of harbouring numerous thoughts and emotions inside, yet finding it tough to voice them affects everyone. It resembles a disconnect between our idea-filled mind and our reluctant mouth. This internal conflict can arise for several reasons each as intricate as the individual

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The Law of Attraction and the Bhagavad Gita: A System Integration or Synergistic Blend 

Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds New Age thought or practice states that people can and will attract into their lives anything they focus on. , has found an intriguing parallel in the ancient wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. At its core, both

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The Power of Routine

Schedules, which are boring and constricting by definition, are the essential source of effectiveness, satisfaction, and results. It offers a clear framework for our existence, and as such it provides a great deal of certainty, which is the feeling of being in control of our lives. Flexibility is very important but a plan, however loosely

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