The Impermanence of Life: Embracing Change

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The Impermanence of Life: 

Embracing Change

Nothing is permanent in the flow of life and its ebbs. The transient nature of everything is a core belief that has been passed through various philosophies and traditions. This impermanence is found in nature’s cycles, and human rhythms, which always remind us of how our experiences and possessions are fleeting.
In the natural world, time passes on through constant change or transformation. The seasons perfectly exemplify this. Spring’s flowers give way to lush greenness in summer then turn to golden-brown leaves of autumn before winter takes over with its drab bareness. Although these stages are all vividly true for their moment, they are also transient making room for the next ones in an unending cycle of growth and decay.

Human existence similarly exemplifies the reality of impermanence
“change is a universal truth” which is widely known as an extremely profound statement. It means that change is a basic aspect of being and can be seen in different aspects.

From birth to death, we grow up, age then die. Relationships go through evolution sometimes unexpectedly so. Friendships flourish and wane; love sprouts then dies; social roles transform over time.

Life is always changing, as society and culture evolve. Nothing is eternal, lasting whether it is good or bad. Flavours of transitoire, life, and experiences, where we find peace and solace. Acknowledging that change is not complete allows us to see and appreciate life right here and now. Hastening or giving an estimate of one’s own identity can make one more graceful and more grateful for the experiences and connections.
“Many of the seemingly solid structures we build homes, careers, and social structures we depend upon and evolve over time. Organizations can rise and fall just as civilizations have done throughout history.”
Life is not measured only in big moments; the small events are also part of our journey. These sweet and sour moments of life together make a great experience. This transit nature of existence helps us realise life’s impermanence and encourages us to cherish every moment.

The impermanence of life teaches us, that good and bad times will pass. We do not have to be very sad in sorrow and not very overwhelmed in good times. When we think this way, this gives us inner strength and comfort in hardships. This perspective helps in facing the challenges with hope. knowing that nothing lasts forever.
Societies evolve, changing technology, norms, values,
and cultures. Sometimes through migration and conquest, through ideas and innovation, cultures evolve, amalgamate, and disperse. So do those ever-shifting foundations for life, our houses, work histories and social institutions.

Reminding ourselves, that everything is transient can deepen our gratitude for life, making us more appreciative of the gifts of experience and connection that here and now make possible. It leads us to reach out and touch the world, cherishing it in the warm light of love. No wonder, then, that the wise teachings of every tradition speak again and again of impermanence.
Every person needs to grow. Every person changes. Change can be good. Some things have to stay the same. We need some things to stay the same.

Change doesn’t have to be scary. Change can help us turn over a new leaf. It can open doors to new things. It’s easy to keep trying to better ourselves, adjust, and keep going as the world moves.
The stock market is always up in the air. You don’t see every store stay open for years. Advances in technology drive our economy, moving over all industries puzzle everybody differently. Policy and lifestyle have been subject to change for centuries.
It is a well-worn religious reflection for humans to note that “This too shall pass”. 
For instance, Buddhism describes all conditioned phenomena as being in a state of constant flux or impermanence (annica or anitya. And Heraclitus, the ancient Greek selected, once said, “You can never step in the same river twice”.
Knowing that nothing stays the same helps you make the most of every day and live your best life. Expect the unexpected and you’ll be able to embrace new things, survive whatever comes your way, and always be improving.
Once you get used to changing and uncertainty, you can use them to your advantage, which gives you a huge benefit when things do shift. It’s a constant process of turning uncertainties and setbacks into learning opportunities, even when they come with more failures than successes.

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