Strong Women: Forged in the Fires of Adversity

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 The saying, “Strong women aren’t born; they are made by the storms they walk through,” has perhaps been one of the greatest tributes to the indomitable spirit of women.

 It is meant to connote that it is not strength and courage that make a person resilient but quite the reverse resilience breeding both strength and courage. 
The Nature of Storms
 Any individual’s life is a journey peppered with storms. They could be storms of personal loss, health crises, financial stress, relationship breakdown, or societal pressures. They are the unwelcome, the tumultuous, and those events that make the tectonic shift in our sense of normalcy. As much as these storms can be devastating, they also offer growth, transformation and opportunities. 
The Forging Process Women can perform miracles when pushed to the wall; it is then that one rises above the storm.

These are the times the seeds of strength are laid. Becoming strong doesn’t take a linear route; it’s an interplay of emotions, decisions, and actions.
 Self-Actualization: Storms force us to confront our vulnerabilities. We often find many women begin journeys of self-discovery during times of quiet after the storm. 
The inward look into one’s inner world reveals the hidden strengths and potentials not yet put into practice.
 Resilience building is the ability to be able to bounce back from any setback, being able to return and take up what life may throw your way. 
Storms you battle through add up, making it just that little bit easier to weather the next one. Essentially, one might say it is like tanning or developing callouses on the soul—the more one endures, the tougher one becomes.
 Perspective shift: Hardship is mostly able to make us rethink, that is, it charges us with reviewing what’s important to us. Perhaps what seemed central to our lives will not be any more; other values will still spring into action. 
This shift in perspective may then create a clearer sense of purpose and direction.
 Empathy development: Confronting adversity can engender empathy. Women who have gone through their dark times frequently develop an in-depth understanding of others’ pain and problems. This is a strong bonding and compassionate agent.
 Growth mindset: Strong women take on challenges as a means to growth. They do not define setbacks as failures but as the stepping stone towards attaining success. 
In this regard, a growth mindset plays a vital role in tapping potential and getting over obstacles.
 Many stories in history are inspiring and speak of women who came from the lower ranks and became strong and influential personalities.
 Suffragettes, women wanting the right to vote, civil rights activists and those who struggled against race discrimination were shaped by the adversities of their generation.
Modern society is full of amazing women, who are fighting with courage and strength for their rights and freedoms. 
Women who are ageing but still striving to run their homes, women who are fighting for their lives after being abused by their male partners, women who are struggling with cancer, single mothers who are trying to fend for their families, women who are becoming the first in their companies, these are strong examples of strength in action. 
Women can perform miracles when pushed to the wall; it is then that one rises above the storm. 
These are the times the seeds of strength are laid. 
 Becoming strong doesn’t take a linear route; it’s an interplay of emotions, decisions, and actions.
However, this is where the use of the dialogical structure of possible interaction between storms and characters demonstrates that strength can be obtained passively during storms but also can be built up actively as well.
 Here are some strategies: To overcome the storms in life

Mindfulness and self-care: Prayer, deep breathing, keeping a diary and so on buttress the spirit while making one less sensitive to stress hence, mindfulness strengthens the spirit.
To overcome all the storms in life, one has to be physically and mentally fit, and as a result, doing ab workouts regularly is very essential.
Building support networks: Astronomical mortality rates mean that the survivors understand the need to have emotional and companionate relationships.
 One has to associate the self with good people to encourage in the case of encountering an issue.
Continuous learning: Optimistically, the various barriers might be overcome, if people can be enabled to acquire more knowledge and skills to cope with the difficulties. 
This is perhaps one of the significant messages of this show which I have pointed out, that learning and personal change are the two factors that foster the establishment of solid character.
Setting goals: This brings purpose and meaning to existence. Thus, the existence of well-articulated goals facilitates providing direction to people. In the same vein, one can suggest that achievements that have been made halfway through the process should also be appreciated as this can motivate people.
Embracing vulnerability:  It is very normal to feel emotionally touched and fearful. At the same time, openness is not a sign of weakness, and it is critical to remember that vulnerability is people’s strength.
A strong woman does not blossom from her mother’s womb like a butterfly from the cage of a cocoon. They are formed by the process they undertake. The storm that they step into is not for beating them to a pulp but for shaping them.
 Suffering is the best exercise for their strength; and boldness for them to act the natural man. These are steps that, when set, help women put down the structures that would enable a full-strength and purposeful life.
As I said folks, even the rainy and dark-soaked day will turn into a bright and positive sunny day with a post-storm goodness, a rainbow in other words.
Thanks for reading! please leave a comment if this resonates😊

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